HC Deb 03 May 1920 vol 128 cc1674-5
6. Brigadier-General CROFT

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has any information to the effect that the National Light Castings Association is making undue profits, and that this association states that its main object is to raise and keep up the price to the buyer; and whether, in view of the imperative need for the cheapest possible building materials, he will cause immediate inquiry to be made by the Central Profiteering Committee with a view to ascertaining whether such raising of prices involves an undue profit, having regard to the increased cost of labour and material, and take all necessary action if these contentions are correct?


A Sectional Committee of the "Building Materials" Joint Sub-Committee appointed by the Central Committee is at present investigating supplies, prices, costs and profit at all stages in the manufacture and distribution of light castings and the effect of any trusts, if found to exist, upon supplies, prices, costs and profits. When the Report is received I shall immediately give consideration to the points raised by the hon. and gallant Gentleman.

Brigadier-General CROFT

In view of the fact that this problem has been a very pressing one for a very considerable time can the right hon. Gentleman say how long the question has been discussed by the Committee?


I cannot tell my hon. and gallant Friend about the amount of time. It was taken up some time ago.

Brigadier-General CROFT

Will the right hon. Gentleman take action if he finds there is any truth in the allegation?




asked the President of the Board of Trade the names of the members of the light castings sectional committee, and the terms of reference to the committee?


The undermentioned gentlemen constitute the Sectional Committee referred to in the question: Mr. John Hilton (Chairman), Mr. J. E. Drower, C.B.E., F.S.I., Mr. Arthur Greenwood, Mr. E. J. Hill, Mr. L. Macdonald, Mr. E. C. Morison, F.R.I.B.A., and Alderman R. Morley. The Committee's terms of reference are to investigate supplies, prices, costs and profits at all stages and to ascertain whether any trusts, combines, etc., are in existence and the action and effect of such trusts, combines, etc., if found, upon supplies, prices, costs and profits.

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