§ 57. Major MACKENZIE WOODasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will state the total amount of the financial assistance granted to industrial undertakings of all kinds during the war; what is the number of undertakings so assisted; in how many cases are there outstanding obligations on the part of the Government; and what is the total amount of such obligation?
Mr. CHAMBERLAINThe hon. and gallant Member's question is a very wide one, and would require a detailed examination of an immense number of transactions from the outbreak of war onwards. I do not think that the result which might be obtained would justify the expenditure of time and labour involved in this examination, but the hon. and gallant Member for Central Hull had an unstarred question on the paper for Friday, 5th March, asking for a statement of public money invested in registered companies, the names of the companies, and the amounts and dates of each investment. To answer this question will take time, for I have to obtain information from several Departments, but when I have obtained it I will embody it in a Parliamentary Return, and I hope that this Return will supply the hon. and gallant Member for Central Aberdeen with the material part of the information for which he asks.
§ Mr. KILEYCan the Chancellor of the Exchequer inform the House how many concerns there are in which the Government own all the shares?
Mr. CHAMBERLAINSpeaking from memory, I do not know of any company in which that is the case, but the Return which I will ask the hon. Member for Hull to move for, and which I will supply as soon as I am able to get the information, will say exactly what the Government holding in companies are.
§ Major M. WOODWhen may we expect that Return?
Mr. CHAMBERLAINI cannot name a date. I have got to communicate with several other Government Departments and get the information from them, but there will be no unnecessary delay.