HC Deb 04 March 1920 vol 126 c594
3. Captain LOSEBY

asked the Pensions Minister if he has received com plaints of overlapping as between the Alternative Pensions Department and the Flat Rate Pensions Department, and in particular that soldiers to whom alternative pensions have been awarded are compelled to fill up forms and undergo medical inspections by both Departments at one and the same time; and if he will consider the advisability of issuing instructions that a man to whom an alternative pension has been awarded should be struck off the list of the Flat Rate Pensions Department until such time as the alternative pension has lapsed?


No, Sir. I have not received any such complaints. There is no overlapping as between the two branches referred to. During the continuance of an alternative pension all necessary action, with regard to medical boarding or otherwise, is taken by the Alternative Pension Branch, and as that Branch holds the man's papers no action can be taken by the Soldiers' Awards Branch while alternative pension continues to be payable.