HC Deb 21 July 1920 vol 186 cc1998-9

asked the Minister of Pensions if his attention has been directed to hardship often inflicted upon the next-of-kin of deceased ex-service men, in view of the fact that the full grant for funeral expenses is only paid in those cases where the undertaker is on the Minister's list; and whether he will state the reason for having a special list of undertakers?

Lieut.-Colonel STANLEY

The normal grant towards funeral expenses is a maximum of £7 10s., having been raised to this amount from the original figure of £3. The grant is payable wherever relatives desire, as in many cases they do, to make their own arrangements for the funeral of the ex-service man. The Ministry was, however, empowered some four years ago to arrange centrally contract terms for funerals, and the more favourable terms so secured are, of course, in the interests of the relatives. In districts where this system is in operation, it is entirely at the discretion of the relatives which alternative they adopt.