HC Deb 16 February 1920 vol 125 cc508-9
52. Captain COOTE

asked the Prime Minister, what are the steps stated by him to have been taken in conjunction with the Minister of Labour to expedite the provisions of training facilities for disabled men?


The following steps have been taken in consultation with the Departments concerned as being the best means of dealing with remediable difficulties in the acquisition, adaptation and equipment of training centres for disabled men:—

  1. (1) In cases of urgency the Director-General of Lands, is authorised by arrangement with the Treasury—under certain conditions to purchase or hire factories in Great Britain at the request of the Ministry of Labour without prior reference to the Treasury.
  2. (2) The power of taking possession of any land, including buildings, required for training purposes which was conferred on the Minister of Pensions under the War Pensions (Administrative Provisions) Act, 1918, has been 509 transferred to the Minister of Labour.
  3. (3) The Office of Works have been authorised to proceed within certain financial limits with repairs and alterations necessary at premises in future acquired for training, without prior Treasury sanction.
  4. (4) The Ministry of Labour have been authorised as a temporary measure under certain conditions to carry out local purchase of equipment and material through their local officers.
  5. (5) The Treasury have authorised the placing of substantial orders for equipment and material in advance of ascertained detail requirements.