HC Deb 10 August 1920 vol 133 cc211-2
17. Sir J. BUTCHER

asked the Secretary of State for War whether men mentioned in despatches prior to the issue of Army Order 45 of 1917, which amended paragraph 1,157 of the Royal Pay Warrant of 1914, are eligible for the additional pension of 6d. a day mentioned in that paragraph, or whether, in order to qualify for such additional pension, they must also have been in possession of the Victoria Cross or the Distinguished Conduct Medal?


Under Article 1,157 of the Royal Warrant for 1914, the grant of an addition to pension, as a reward for an act of gallantry, was conditional either on the possession of the Victoria Cross or Distinguished Conduct Medal or on the act being the subject of a specific recommendation at the time when it was performed. An ordinary mention in despatches would not, in itself, carry the addition.


But the fact that the man had not had the particular medal would not disentitle him, I understand? Am I right in that?


I am afraid I cannot answer any further question without notice.

25. Colonel ASHLEY

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he is aware that men in receipt of pre-War pensions as warrant or noncommissioned who won the Victoria Cross or the Military Cross in the War after being promoted to temporary commissions are not permitted to draw the annuity of £10 or the extra pension of 6d. per day respectively, which is granted to warrant officer recipients of those distinctions on the ground that they were earned after promotion to the commission; and whether, in view of the fact that these men are not entitled to retired pay as officers, but may only have their pensions re-assessed according to their pre-War rank as warrant or non-commissioned officers under Army Order 325 of 1919, he will consider the grant to them of the annuity of £10 or the extra 6d. per day, respectively, seeing that paragraph 9, Table 5, of the Army Order in question clearly states that soldiers granted pensions under this warrant will remain eligible for the additional pension awarded in respect of gallant conduct?


I am conferring with other Departments of the Service on the question raised by the hon. and gallant Member.