HC Deb 15 April 1920 vol 127 cc1823-4
30. Viscount CURZON

asked whether Lord Derby, British Ambassador to France, was ordered by the Government not to attend the Conference of Ambassadors; whether this state of affairs still, continues; and can the full text of the Anglo-French Note with reference to the action taken by France on the right bank of the Rhine be published at an early date?


Lord Derby is now attending the Ambassadors' Conference.

47. Mr. SPOOR

asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the Notice of Motion placed on the Paper in the name of the hon. Member for Bishop Auckland; and whether he will give a day for a discussion of the same? [That, in the opinion of this House, the use of coloured troops by the Allies to control the people of Germany is deplorable and should be immediately discontinued.]


The answer is in the negative.


Are we to understand that the Government approve of the policy of employing coloured troops in Germany?


It is not our action. I do not think that we should be asked to express an opinion upon the action of our allies.

58. Mr. LYON

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether the Government is directly or indirectly responsible for the statement issued by Reuter's agency on 10th April, which purported to give the views of the British Cabinet as a whole, and which said that the announcement that France had acted on her own initiative against the advice of the Allies was nothing but a statement of fact?


I hope for the reasons already stated that my hon. Friend will not press for an answer to questions on this subject.