HC Deb 29 October 1919 vol 120 c669
Mr. ANEURIN WILLIAMS (by Private Notice)

asked the Prime Minister whether ' he is aware that very grave news has been telegraphed to' this country as to the position of the Armenian Republic of Erivan; whether, owing to the withdrawal of the British troops from the Caucasus, that State is in great danger of extinction by hostile forces; and whether His Majesty's Government will even now send these people, who have been our Allies in the War, means of defending their lives?


While His Majesty's Government have received similar reports to that referred to by the hon. Member, other reports of a much more reassuring nature and of very recent date are also reaching them. Colonel Haskell, Allied High Commissioner for Armenia, who is at present on his way from the Caucasus to Paris, if he has not already arrived there, is expected to report on the whole situation in these districts, and the most serious consideration will doubtless be given by the Peace Conference to any recommendations which he may make for securing the safety of the Armenians.