HC Deb 19 November 1919 vol 121 cc891-2
18 and 19. Mr. ROBERT YOUNG

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty (1) under what Article of the King's Regulations are chief petty officers, who are borne for non-executive duties, detailed for canteen patrol duties on shore;

(2) what ratings in His Majesty's Navy are classed as being borne for executive duties?


The ratings who are not to assume military command unless ordered to do so by superior authority are distinguished in italics in the Table of Ratings in Appendix XV., Part I., of the King's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions, Volume II. All ratings, however, may be required to carry out such disciplinary duties as may be necessary; and it is usual for ratings of the non-military branches to take their share of shore pickets and canteen patrols. They are given the necessary authority for such duties under Article 218, Clause 2, King's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions, Volume II.

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