HC Deb 18 November 1919 vol 121 cc800-1
55. Mr. HURD

asked the Food Controller what are the details, item by item, of the cost of production of milk upon which the price of Is. per quart is based; and whether, in. order to allay public misapprehension and class dissension, he will in future publish such itemised details when announcing controlled prices of food products?


The items included in the producer's price of 2s. 9 6/7;d. per gallon of milk during the seven winter months, on which the maximum retail price of 1s. per quart during five of these months is based, have been estimated in, the following proportions:

Per cent,
Feeding stuffs 63
Labour 15
Rent, depreciation and repairs 12.5
Cartage to producer's railway station 1.5
Producer's margin, including interest and managerial expenses 8
The wholesaler is permitted an average maximum margin, out of which railway charges are paid, of 5d. per gallon, and the retailer's average maximum distribution is 8d. per gallon, the average retail price being accordingly 3s. 10 6/7;d. per gallon for the seven months in question. I would point out that the price of Is. per quart is not a fixed price but a maximum price; this consideration applies equally in the case of the producer and the wholesaler. I am always willing to give itemised! details when requested, but even these are-apt to be misunderstood.


Will the right hon. Gentleman state whether the seven months on which the actual cost is based includes seven summer mouths, or on the average of seven months, taking the seasons right through the year?


The price is baaed on seven consecutive months. It is a matter of controversy whether the months ought to be included in winter or summer.


Is the increased cost of feeding, owing to profiteering in oil cake production, included in the seven months on which the increased price of milk is based?


I have reserved to myself the power in the event of the price of feeding stuff's substantially diminishing to review the price accordingly.

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