HC Deb 17 November 1919 vol 121 cc619-20
61. Lieut. - Colonel Sir SAMUEL HOARE

asked the Prime Minister in what way the House will be able to express its opinion upon the continuance, discontinuance, or modification of the unemployment donation before 21st November?


The Government have decided not to continue unemployment donation to civilian men and women. They propose to put down a Supplementary Estimate making provision for the continuance of unemployment donation to ex-Service men and women in mobile corps whose period of donation has expired; donation will be at the rate of 20s. per week to men and 15s. per week to women without supplementary allowances. The period of donation will extend between the 24th November and the 31st of March, during which a maximum of nine weeks donation may be drawn. An opportunity will be given to the House of discussing this Estimate on Wednesday when it will be put down as First Order.


Do the Government contemplate any new proposals dealing with unemployment other than the donation or benefit?


Yes, we are engaged in trying to formulate a scheme for unemployment insurance, but we are not in a position to introduce it now.