HC Deb 17 November 1919 vol 121 cc592-4
16. Mr. W. THORNE

asked what are the salaries of S. H. McQuown, Secretary to the Profiteering Act Department, D. G. MacKail, Assistant Secretary to the Profiteering Act Department, S. F. Wickinson, A. C. Comfort, L. Marcan, and G. W. H. Jones, officials of the Profiteering Act Department, also Mr. S. Marcan and Mr. White, Secretary and Assistant-Secretary to the Complaints Committee; who is Secretary to the Investigation of Prices Committee and the Committee on Trade Combinations and Trusts; what is the amount of their remuneration; and whether he will explain, as the two main Committees only held thinly-attended meetings during the railway strike and have not met since, what is the object in employing so many secretaries and officials?


With the permission of the House I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of the Secretaries to the Central Committee, the Investigation of Prices Committee, the Complaints Committee, and the Trusts Committee. I do not understand to what the hon. Member refers in the latter part of his question. I would point out that since the 30th September, no less than forty-six Committees and Sub-committee meetings have taken place in connection with the investigation of "Prices," "Trusts," and "Complaints." The small staff employed has been fully occupied with the work involved in these investigations.

The following is the list referred to:

Rate of salary it present being paid.
Mr. S. H. McQuown Secretary to the Central Committee. (Board of Trade Official on loan to the Profiteering Act Department). £400, plus War bonus.
Mr. D. G. MacKail Assistant Secretary to the Central Committee. £450 per ann., inclusive.
Mr. A. C. Comfort Secretary to the Investigation of Prices Committee. (Official of the London County Council on loan to the Profiteering Act Department). £700, inclusive.
Mr. L. Marcan Secretary to the Complaints Committee £500 per ann., inclusive.
Mr. R. White Assistant Secretary to the Complaints Committee. £250"
Mr. G. L. Bond Secretary to the Committee on Trusts. (Official of Customs and Excise Department on loan to the Profiteering Act Department). £350, plus war bonus.
Mr. G. W. H. Jones Assistant Secretary to the Committee on Trusts. £350 per ann., inclusive.

There is no Mr. S. Marcan employed by the Central Committee.

Mr. S. F. Wilkinson is employed by the Ministry of Food as Private Secretary to the Parliamentary Secretary of that Ministry, who is Chairman of the Central Committee.

The salaries of these officials are at present under the consideration of the Treasury.