HC Deb 22 May 1919 vol 116 cc545-6
23. Sir K. WOOD

asked the First Commissioner of Works whether it has been decided that the tenancies of allotments under the control of his Department are to cease at the end of this year; whether he is aware that allotment-holder shad been led to believe that they would have tenure until the expiration of two years from the end of the War; that in anticipation of this period of tenure the holders have incurred considerable expense in the interests of food production, and that the proposed termination of tenure at the end of this year will inflict hardship on these people; and whether he will take steps to secure these holders in their tenure for at least two years from the end of the War?


I have decided. after consultation with the Board of Agriculture, that the tenancies shall cease on the 29th February, 1920. The assignment of the ground has been to the local borough councils, who were informed that the Government reserved the right to resume possession of the ground at the end of any calendar year subject to two months' previous notice. I must presume that the allotment-holders knew the conditions when they accepted the allotments.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there is considerable dissatisfaction amongst allotment-holders on account of his decision to evict them at the period mentioned, and will he be prepared to receive a deputation from the National Union of Allotment Holders on the subject?


I dare say there is some dissatisfaction felt by allotment-holders, but, as my office has never had any communication with allotment-holders, but with local authorities, I should think the deputation's grievance would be really against local authorities and not against my Department, and I see no object in receiving a deputation on the subject.