HC Deb 06 May 1919 vol 115 cc741-2
48. Colonel YATE

asked the Prime Minister if he will say for what purpose the pamphlet on the Classics in British Education (Reconstruction Problems, No. 21) was published; what amount of public money was expended on its production; whether the Government propose to issue further articles on the value of the classics and such-like subjects as part of their after-the-War reconstruction schemes; and, if so, whether any limit is to be put on the expenditure?

Sir J. D. REES

Before the right hon. Gentleman answers, is he aware what a useful, thoughtful, scholarlike, and admirable pamphlet this is?


I have been asked to reply to this question. The object of the whole series of reconstruction pamphlets is to promote interest in and discussion of the manifold problems, upon the correct solution of which national efficiency depends. Of these, education is ultimately the most important. The object of the particular pamphlet, "The Classics in British Education," is to show the place which classical studies may take in the reconstruction of education.

The cost of the production of the pamphlet is the cost of the paper and printing. Against this must be set the receipts for sales.

It is proposed to issue two more pamphlets dealing with educational matters, one on natural science, the other on modern languages, and, approximately, another dozen dealing with various matters of importance.

Colonel YATE

Can the right hon. Gentleman tell us who is the author of this pamphlet? Is he a classical educational idealist or is he a practical working man?


A very hard-working man!


Can he say whether it would not be possible to have a larger type used in these pamphlets? The small type is somewhat inconvenient.


I think my hon. Friend must realise that there is still some need for economy in paper, and I think the type is quite large enough.


Has he any information as to the numbers sold and the receipts?


These pamphlets do not all go off on the same day; at the same time, the sale is very satisfactory.