HC Deb 05 May 1919 vol 115 cc572-3
57. Sir F. HALL

asked the Pensions Minister if his attention has been called to recent staff appointments by war pensions committees in which it would appear that sufficient effort has not been made to secure soldiers, particularly those with active service records and who have been incapacitated as a result; if such appointments are subject to confirmation by his Department; and, if not, whether he will consider as to taking suitable action to secure effective control in the matter?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The Regulations made under the Administrative Provisions Act of 1918 provide that the appointment of all principal officers shall be subject to my right hon. Friend's approval. In cases such as those to which my hon. and gallant Friend refers, approval is withheld and the Committee are asked to make a further selection. Where they are unable to do so the Ministry offers to supply them with the names of ex-service candidates having proper qualifications.


May I ask if, under the circumstances, he will be kind enough to ask the Department to get in touch with the Peterborough War Pensions Committee in order that the assistance of the War Pensions Department may be utilised?


We offer to all the local war pensions committees assistance in every possible way to obtain ex-Service men, and if possible disabled and discharged officers and men, for the purpose of filling these positions. We have established at the Ministry a small training school for the purpose of keeping at hand a certain number of discharged and disabled officers and men who will be able to take offers of the kind in an emergency.


It is in consequence of that I ventured to ask the question.


Probably, the publicity given, to this question will be sufficient.