HC Deb 06 March 1919 vol 113 cc607-8
41. Mr. R. M'LAREN

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will state the average death rate per 1,000 persons employed underground, and surface and underground, for the years 1907 to 1918, inclusive; and the number of tons of mineral raised per person killed underground, and surface and underground, for the same period?


I will have the figures printed in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

The following are the figures referred to:—

Average Death Rate per 1,000 persons employed, and number of tons of Mineral raised per person killed at Mines under the Coal Mines Act during the years 1907 to 1918, inclusive.
Year. Death Rate per 1,000 Persons employed. Mineral raised per Person Killed.
Underground. Surface and Underground. Underground. Surface and Underground.
Tons. Tons.
1907 1.46 1.32 255,761 226,589
1908 1.46 1.32 237,126 210,658
1909 1.61 1.43 210,376 191,264
1910 1.91 1.69 171,769 156,963
1911 1.29 1.19 256,221 226,041
1912 1.25 1.17 248,131 214,100
1913 1.74 1.55 190,893 172,054
*1914 (1.19) (1.08) 256,985 228,946
1915 1.55 1.36 226,647 203,930
1916 1.47 1.32 229,633 203,399
1917 1.50 1.34 214,267 189,869
1918 1.60 1.38 187,980 171,271
* The death rate for this year is calculated on the number of persons ordinarily employed for the period from January to July. As there was a great reduction in the number employed in the months from August to December, the death rate would be somewhat higher if the average number employed for the whole year were available.