HC Deb 05 March 1919 vol 113 cc384-5

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether he is aware that John Walker Jones, C.P.O., R.N., No. 116929, in August last was sent home from hospital, and was informed that his discharge papers would be sent to him; that they have not been sent, although he has written to the Accountant-General of the Navy, and his wife has called; that they have again been promised, but no discharge papers have arrived; is he further aware that for the want of these papers Jones is prevented from making his claim to the local pensions committee; and, as the delay is causing serious inconvenience, will he see that the papers are sent on at once?


This chief petty officer was lent to the Air Force and was apparently surveyed by a medical officer of that service. I am afraid this transfer to another Department is responsible for the delay. I have gone into the question of the application made by his wife and have seen the accountant officer of His Majesty's Ship "President," upon whom Mrs. Jones called. I am satisfied that he did everything possible to hasten a decision. It may be necessary for our own medical authorities to survey Jones—if so, this will be done at once—and all relevant communications made forthwith to the Pensions Ministry. Meantime Jones will, from the date he ceased pay, resume pay from Naval funds pending a determination of his case. In fact a sum of money has already been sent to him.


Cannot the right hon. Gentleman do something, seeing that this matter has been hanging about since August; and is it not possible for the Accountant-General to deal more speedily with his correspondence than he does?


It is not entirely a matter for the Accountant-General, but also one for the Admiralty, the Air Force, to which he was lent, and the Pensions Ministry. We put him on Naval pay, and we have proceeded with all expedition, and in order to prevent too great hardship we have sent him a sum of money at once.


In all cases the de-delay is very great.


I am sorry for that.