§ 42. Sir WILLIAM DAVISONasked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware of the great delays which are still occurring in the transmission of telegrams; and what steps are being taken to secure a more efficient service?
§ The POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Mr. Illingworth)I am aware that many telegrams are subject to serious delay. I am endeavouring to secure the early demobilisation of a sufficient number of telegraphists to deal with the traffic, which is now greater than before the War. Until they are released from the Army, I fear no considerable improvement can be expected. I am again urging the various Departments to reduce the number of telegrams sent on Government service, which obtain priority, and add to the delay experienced by ordinary telegrams.
§ Sir NORTON GRIFFITHSWill the right hon. Gentleman also make every effort to curtail in the same way the use of the telephone system, on a plea of urgency?
§ Mr. ILLINGWORTHI am also dealing with that question.