HC Deb 03 March 1919 vol 113 c40

asked the Secretary for War what is the present position of the National Reserve and the various borough committees appointed, at the request of the War Office, in furtherance of the same; and what are the intentions of the Army Council concerning the future of the National Reserve and of the borough committees, especially having regard to the financial and other responsibilities to which certain of the latter became committed prior to the outbreak of War by the provision of headquarters, etc.?


The National Reserve has for a long time past been converted into the Royal Defence Corps, the personnel of which is used to guard German prisoners of War. With few exceptions all the members of the National Reserve have served during the War or are now serving in the Regular Army, Territorial Force or Royal Defence Corps, and the register of National Reservists was suspended in September, 1916. The question as to the future of the National Reserve must stand over for the present until the policy regarding the size and general organisation of the Army has been settled.