HC Deb 26 June 1919 vol 117 cc324-5
50. Mr. CAIRNS

asked the Prime Minister whether, in the event of the German representatives signing the Peace Treaty, it is the intention of His Majesty's Government to fix a special day on which the nation is to join in general Peace celebrations; and, if so, if any idea can be given of the date of such day?


asked the Prime Minister whether the Government have provisionally fixed the 3rd, 4th, and 5th August as the date for the Peace celebrations; and, if not, will he take into consideration the advisability of fixing a date when the elementary schools will be in session, as the assistance of the teachers is invaluable in arranging local celebrations, and this aid would not be generally available if the date fell during the school holidays?


I propose to answer these questions together. I would refer my hon. Friend to extracts from replies given to questions on the same subject by myself on the 7th May last and by the Leader of the House, respectively, on the 12th of the same month, which were as follow:

  1. (a) The whole question of Peace celebrations, including the decoration of streets and buildings, is being considered by a War Cabinet Committee; and
  2. (b) It is proposed shortly to make a statement to both Houses upon the intention of the Government with 325 reference to the Proclamation of a public holiday to be observed in connection with the coming Peace celebrations, and upon the proposals of the Government on the whole question of Peace celebrations.
I would only add that the promised statement to both Houses will be made at the earliest possible opportunity after the Peace Treaty has been signed by the Germans.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he appreciates the fact that Question No. 50 assumes that the jubilations to celebrate Peace are to be compulsory, and whether it may be optional for those who do not think it worth celebrating to abstain from doing so?


Everybody is at liberty to please himself.