HC Deb 29 July 1919 vol 118 cc1937-8
73. Mr. HOGGE

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether instructions have been issued by the Scottish Board of Agriculture to any official or officers of the Board to prepare a scheme for land settlement for ex-Service men on the estates of Gagie, Dysart, and Castle Huntley, acquired by the Board for this purpose; on what date such instructions were first issued; what progress has now been made in sub-dividing these estates into small holdings or in completing the settlement scheme; when it will be possible to allocate holdings to individual applicants for entry at Martinmas, 1919; and what steps are being taken to notify suitable applicants that entry will be obtained by them to particular holdings and buildings on these estates at the Martinmas, term?


An officer of the Board was authorised to prepare schemes as soon as the properties were purchased. The Board bcame the owner of the properties at Whit Sunday, but entry cannot be obtained to any of the lands until Martinmas, when some of the tenants' leases expire. Existing buildings will have to be adapted and new ones erected before holders can be settled. In the meantime every effort is being made to push on such preparations as are possible before Martinmas. A number of applicants for holdings have been interviewed, and informed of the position. Definite intimation will be made to them as soon as arrangements are sufficiently advanced.


asked when the Land Settlement (Scotland) Bill will be introduced?


The Bill is in a forward state of preparation, and I hope to introduce it within the next week.