HC Deb 29 July 1919 vol 118 cc1940-1
78. Mr. ROYCE

asked the Parliamentary-Secretary to the Board of Agriculture whether he is aware that an appointment as cereals inspector has been offered at Spalding to a gentleman who already holds the posts of relieving officer, vaccination officer, local executive officer (Ministry of Food), and local coal controller; and whether, considering the nature of the duties connected with the office of inspector of cereals, he can see his way to offer such posts to partially disabled ex-Service men?


The gentleman who is apparently referred to was recommended by the county agricultural committee, to whom the Board referred for nominations to these positions and whoso nominations they have so far as practicable accepted. The claims of ex-Service men for these and other appointments are fully borne in mind.


May I ask whether the right hon. Gentleman cannot see that a great deal of dissatisfaction must arise from appointments of this description; and whether or not it is possible for a man effectively to carry out the duties of all these offices?


A large part of the question is very difficult to answer, but I am sure my hon. Friend will agree that it is best that we should be guided as far as possible by the opinion of those on the spot.