HC Deb 17 July 1919 vol 118 cc605-6

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware of the dissatisfaction throughout the Post Office with regard to the present methods of promotion; whether in the Liverpool Post Office he has recently promoted nine men over sixty-five to eighty-five of their seniors; if so, whether he will see that this subject is treated as one of urgency by the Whitley Committees which are about to be set up; and if, pending a drastic reform by such committees, he will inform all officers when they are about to be passed over, in order that effective appeals may be made?


It is the case that the recent promotion of certain sorting clerks and telegraphists at Liverpool to the class of overseers involved the passing over of a number of officers senior to them. I am satisfied that the officers selected were the best qualified for the higher positions. The question of the principles governing promotion can be raised by the staff representatives on the Whitley Committees as soon as these committees are set up. It would not be practicable to comply with the suggestion contained in the last sentence of the hon. Member's question Any officer passed over has a right of appeal to the Postmaster-General.