HC Deb 17 July 1919 vol 118 c590

(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware of the prominent part taken by the wounded in the Peace Procession at Paris, and whether he proposes to give the British wounded any part in the Peace Procession for Saturday, the 19th?

Sir H. DALZIEL (later)

Will the Leader of the House endeavour to see that a reply to the question of the hon. and gallant Member for Fairfield (Major Cohen) is circulated in the course of the afternoon, notice having been given to the Secretary of State for War?


I am informed that no notice has reached my right hon. Friend, but I discussed it with the Secretary of State for War yesterday, and he is going to arrange it if he can.

The following is the answer circulated:

The SECRETARY of STATE for WAR (Mr. Churchill)

I am informed that no provision is being made for the wounded men to take part in the Peace Procession. Special accommodation is being reserved for wounded serving men to view the procession, and also for wounded and disabled discharged soldiers.