HC Deb 10 July 1919 vol 117 c1988

asked the Pensions Minister whether his attention has been drawn to the action of the County of Banff Pensions Committee in appointing as their permanent secretary, without advertising the post in the public Press, a person who had not served in any branch of His Majesty's Forces during the War; whether the action of the committee is a breach of the undertaking by the Government that discharged sailors, soldiers, and airmen will receive special consideration in the filling of public appointments; and what action he proposes to take to ensure that the policy of the Government is carried out in this and other similar cases?


I am obtaining information on this matter from the Regional Director for Scotland, and will communicate the result to the hon. and Gallant Member. As my hon. and Gallant Friend is aware, my right hon. Friend has given specific instructions that preference shall be given in all principal appointments to officers and men who have served in the War?