HC Deb 10 July 1919 vol 117 cc1987-8
13. Colonel ASHLEY

asked the Pensions Minister whether he is aware that Section B men of the Army Reserve whose pensions have been assessed at 5s. 6d. per week are being told that they must suffer reduction of this by the amount of their Reserve pay, or 3s. 6d. per week, thus leaving them 2s. only as pension; whether it is his decision that Reserve pay given in consideration of liability for further service should be counted as part pension for disablement incurred in past service; and, if so, whether this is at variance with the policy which permitted all re-enlisted pensioners during the War to draw both their pensions and their full regimental rates of pay?


Under the Demobilisation Regulations issued by the Army Council a soldier serving on a normal regular engagement, and not merely for the period of the War, was automatically reverted to Class B or D of the Army Reserve to complete his engagement. At the same time he was given an opportunity of claiming a disablement pension. If the claim was substantiated, the transfer to the Reserve was cancelled and his discharge carried out as from date of leaving the Colours. Pension would be awarded from that date and, regardless of the amount of pension awarded, it would be necessary to recover the Army Reserve pay already issued, and the soldier would thus be in exactly the same position as if he had been discharged or transferred to Class Z at once instead of being transferred to Class B of the Reserve.

55. Colonel ASHLEY

asked the Prime Minister whether it is still the rule that a Section B Army Reservist must purchase his discharge from the Reserve before he can be given an appointment in the Civil Service; and, if so, whether he is prepared to make an exception in favour of those who have served in the War?

Mr. BALDWIN (Joint Financial Secretary to the Treasury)

I am informed that there is no such general rule applying to the Service as a whole. If the hon. and Gallant Member will send me particulars of the case he has in mind, I will have it inquired into.