HC Deb 03 July 1919 vol 117 cc1165-6
76. Captain W. BERN

asked the Undersecretary of State to the Air Ministry whether he can make a statement about the Atlantic trip of the airship R 34?

Major-General SEELY

His Majesty's Airship R.34 left East Fortune, near Edinburgh, at 2.48 yesterday morning on an experimental cruise across the Atlantic. She is equipped with every known form of scientific instrument which it was considered would be of value for the trip. We are sure that much valuable information will be obtained as to the possibilities of air traffic across the Atlantic. All being well she will drop messages at Newfoundland and Halifax, and proceed to New York. I should like to acknowledge the great assistance given by the Admiralty in every respect to the Air Ministry, who are responsible for the flight. His Majesty's ships, "Tiger" and "Renown," are in the Atlantic sending and receiving wireless messages. At 6 o'clock this morning the airship was reported to be about 1,030 miles on her course, and 885 miles from St. Johns. The weather reports are very favourable, and it is hoped that she will soon get a following wind.

I may add that what weighed with us most in deciding to attempt this flight was the hope of thereby making still closer the ties between this country and America.