HC Deb 01 July 1919 vol 117 cc767-8
54 Major NEWMAN

asked the Prime Minister whether he will say if the lapsing of the Defence of the Realm Act will be coincident with the deposit of ratifications of the Peace Treaty; and will he say when it is expected that such deposit will take place?

55 Sir J. D. REES

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether, upon the signing of Peace, restrictions upon brewing, Regulations requiring travellers to register particulars at hotels, persons sending telegrams to give their names and addresses, and other restrictions and Regulations introduced during war will at once be removed, repealed, and abolished?


By the termination of the Present War (Definition) Act, His Majesty may declare what date is to be treated as the date of the termination of the War, and the date so declared is to be as nearly as may be the date of the exchange or deposit of ratifications of the Treaties of Peace. The Defence of the Realm Acts, and the Regulations made there under, will, I understand, lapse on the date so fixed, except in so far as the Regulations may be kept alive by any other Statute.

Sir J. D. REES

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that these restrictions are not regarded as pin-pricks, but as wounds?


May I ask whether the Government have yet come to any decision?


No decision has yet been taken. It must be after the ratification of the. Treaty


Supposing one country refused to ratify, say China, what would happen?


I think arrangements are made that if a certain number of the Great Powers have signed, the Treaty is considered ratified

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