HC Deb 22 December 1919 vol 123 cc987-8
33. Mr. ATKEY

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware of the position in which traders of all classes are placed by the refusal of the railway companies to convey returned empties; and, in particular, whether he will cause inquiries to be made with regard to the treatment by the railway companies of Messrs. A. Burke, Dean, and Company, of 300, Radford Road, Nottingham, who have crates and boxes on hand which have been charged up to them but which they are unable to return?


There is no general restriction on the conveyance of empties, though it is sometimes necessary to impose temporary embargoes, as in the case of other traffic, when pressare is abnormally heavy. As regards the firm referred to, I understand no complaints have been made to the railway companies serving Nottingham regarding their empties, though there may have been some misunderstanding about one consignment.