HC Deb 19 December 1919 vol 123 cc944-5

(1) The provision in Section six of the principal Act which prescribed the quorum for meetings of the Council of shall cease to have effect, and the Secretary of State May provide for a quorum by such directions as he may issue in this behalf.

(2) The provision in section eight of the principal Act which requires weekly meetings of the Council of India shall cease to have effect.

Lords Amendment: In Sub-section (1), leave out the word "may" ["Secretary of State may"], and insert instead thereof the word "shall."

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment."

Colonel YATE

The word "shall" is here inserted, but does that agree with the Second Schedule in the paragraph on Section 6, where the word "may" is still retained?


I do not think any consequential alteration is necessary in the Schedule.

Lords Amendment: Leave out Sub-section (2), and insert the following new Sub-section: (2) The provision in Section eight of the principal Act relating to meetings of the Council of India shall have effect as though 'month' were substituted for 'week.' Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment."

Colonel YATE

Do the words "at least" stand fast?


The words "at least" remain in. I hope it will not be thought that the Council of India is only going to meet once a month. It will have to meet whenever financial matters are under consideration, which will be far more often than that.

Question put, and agreed to.