HC Deb 19 December 1919 vol 123 c944

The following Amendments shall be made in Section three of the principal Act in relation the composition of the Council of India, the, qualification, term of office, and remuneration of its members: (1)The provisions of Sub-section (1) shall have effect as though "eight" and "twelve" were substituted for "ten" and "fourteen" respectively, as the minimum and maximum number of members, provided that the tenure of office of any person who is a member of the council at the time of the passing of this Act shall not be affected by this provision.

Lords Amendment Leave out the words the tenure of office of any person who is a member of the council at the time of the passing of this Act shall not be affected by this provision,

and insert instead thereof the words the council, as constituted at the time of the passing of this Act, shall not be affected by this provision, but no fresh appointment or reappointment thereto shall be made in excess of the maximum prescribed by this provision.

—Agreed to.