HC Deb 18 August 1919 vol 119 cc1909-10
65. Mr. JESSON

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions whether he is aware that poison gas shells and tear shells are stored in the vicinity of Edward Road and Harden Road, Walthamstow, and that the fumes escaping from these shells during the present hot weather are causing illness amongst the inhabitants of the district, besides causing giddiness and swelling and irritation of the eyes; and whether he will have immediate inquiries made as to who is responsible for this nuisance, and see that steps are at once taken for its re moval?


I am glad to be able to state that the poison gas and tear shells from this dump have now been cleared away. The officers of the Ministry have been doing everything possible to clear this dump for some time past, but they have experienced great difficulty in arranging the necessary transport. I very much regret the inconvenience that has been caused, but I should like to add that, in the opinion of my advisers, the fumes, in the diluted form in which they occasionally escape into the atmosphere, though objectionable, are not injurious to health.


Is he aware that complaints were made only as recently as last Friday night?


Yes; but my statement that the dump has been cleared is accurate. I think it has been cleared within the last two or three days.


Is he aware that the health of the children is suffering very seriously as the result of this escape of poison gas?


I think I can reassure my hon. Friend. There has been, considerable inconvenience caused; I regret it. It was due to difficulties of transport, but I am advised by medical officers who know the facts that there has been no danger to health.


Can he assure us that this will be dealt with immediately if it has not already been dealt with?


It has already been done.