HC Deb 13 August 1919 vol 119 cc1274-5
14. Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what was the number of officers and civilians, respectively, employed in the Naval Intelligence Department at the Admiralty on 1st June, 1914; and the number of officers and civilians, respectively, employed in the. Naval Intelligence Department at the Admiralty on 1st August, 19191


The information asked for by my hon. and gallant Friend is as follows:

Officers. Civilians.
1st June, 1914 16 15
1st August, 1919 42 120

The increase is due to several new Departments, whose formation was caused by the War, being incorporated in the Naval Intelligence Department. Their activities still continue. I should add, however, that as in other Admiralty Departments, the numbers of civilian staff ought to show a considerable reduction within a very short time. During the past few months, the numbers have already been reduced in this branch from a total of 380 to the present total of 162.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Are further reductions likely?


I have said there will be a considerable reduction in a short time.