HC Deb 07 August 1919 vol 119 cc554-5
83. Brigadier-General WIGAN

asked the Minister of Labour how many soldiers discharged on account of disablement are receiving the unemployed weekly grant because the Labour Exchanges are unable to find them suitable employment?


The figure for which the hon and gallant Member asks can not be stated exactly, but it is estimated at about 40,000.

86 and 87. Mr. N. MACLEAN

asked the Minister of Labour (1) whether James Johnston, 47, Hamilton Street, Govan, riveter, received unemployed donation from 3rd July until 17th July, when he was told he could have a situation in Carnarvon, Wales, at £3 15s. 11d. per week; whether the wages offered were, at a lower rate than the Clyde district rate, and, as his home is in Govan and the wage inadequate to maintain two homes, he had to refuse the offer; whether, on appearing before the Board of Referees, he told them his acceptance of this place meant breaking up his home, and was informed they had nothing to do with that, their duty was to settle cases, and on refusing the situation his unemployment donation was stopped for six weeks; if this man was unemployed since 24th April, but tried to find a situation everywhere on the Clyde before signing on at the Labour Exchange on 3rd July; and whether, in view of the circumstances, he is prepared to review the decision;

(2) Whether Hugh Hilferty, 101, Elder Street, Govan, applied for unemployment benefit on 23rd June and received the same until 17th July, when he was told at the Labour Exchange, Govan, to go to a situation in Carnarvon, Wales, the wages being £3 15s. 11d. per week of forty-seven hours and no subsistence allowance; whether he refused on the ground that the wage was below the Clyde district rate, and to go to Carnarvon meant breaking up his home; whether the Court of Referees has disallowed his claim for six weeks on the plea that he refused suitable employment; and what steps he is prepared to take to adjust this claim?


I am having inquiry made into these cases and will communicate the result to the hon. Member.