HC Deb 14 April 1919 vol 114 cc2504-5

(by Private Notice) asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air whether he is yet in a position to make any statement as to the progress with the Civilian Aviation Department, and when it will be possible to permit civilian flying in this country?

Major-General SEELY

It is intended to start civilian flying on 1st May. Applications have been received from various companies for permission to make civilian passenger flights during the Easter holidays. It has been decided to give this permission as from 17th April to 22nd April, inclusive; flights to be limited to a radius of three miles from an approved aerodrome, and on an undertaking that the rules of the aerodrome shall be strictly observed. Owing to the short time available it will only be possible to give approval to service types which have been built under the supervision of the Aircraft Inspection Department.

Applications should be sent to the Secretary, Air Ministry (C.G.C.A.) and must state:

  1. (a) The type of machine with sufficient particulars to identify it.
  2. (b) The full name and surname of the pilot.
  3. (c) The location of the aerodrome (and of the aircraft), and
  4. (d) The name of the company or firm applying.
I am not in a position to make any definite statement with regard to the first part of the hon. Gentleman's question, but I hope to be able to do so after Easter.

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