HC Deb 03 April 1919 vol 114 c1368

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether he has received communications from the Association of Civil Service Assistant Clerks in respect of the regulations laid down for appointments to the Intermediate Class; whether the date of this letter was the 23rd February; whether any reply has been furnished to this communication; if not, whether the Treasury is now in a position to reply, and whether he will make it his business to see that communications from associations of Civil servants are answered within a reasonable time?


I have received communications from this Association with regard to the regulations referred to, and a reply was sent to a number of the points raised on the 25th ultimo. The letter of the 23rd February drew attention to a difficulty arising out of the educational qualifications required of candidates for their appointments, and I am considering how this difficulty can best be met, and I hope to communicate with them at an early date.