HC Deb 01 April 1919 vol 114 cc1043-4
12. Lieutenant-Colonel W. GUINNESS

asked the Secretary of State for War whether a retired officer over fifty-five years of age in receipt of a pension of £200 per annum in addition to full pay, and with no active service experience during the recent War, has lately displaced a much younger substantive major on the active list in command of a Reserve battalion; whether there are many such cases; and whether, with a view to affording employment and promotion to younger officers who have done good work in the War, he will take steps to replace in retirement those officers who, though reemployed during the national emergency, are too old to hope for further advancement in the Army?

Captain GUEST

The policy of the War Office is to relegate to unemployment all retired officers now employed on full pay, and to replace them by officers on the active list. This policy is now being carried out. I do not know anything of the case to which my hon. and gallant Friend refers, but if he will let me have the particulars I will inquire into it. I may say, however, that where a commanding officer of a Reserve battalion becomes a casualty, the practice is for the second in command to take his place until either he is confirmed in the appointment or a better qualified officer is appointed in his stead.

Lieutenant-Colonel GUINNESS

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that it is stated to be a very common case that active list officers are now being displaced and put on the retired list?

Captain GUEST

If my hon. Friend will give me a case I will look into it.