HC Deb 29 October 1918 vol 110 cc1401-2

(4) If a teacher in receipt of an annual superannuation allowance is employed in any Government employment or in the service (otherwise than as a teacher in a grant-aided school) of a local education authority, then, if the salary and emoluments received by him in respect of the employment are not less than his salary at the date on which he ceased to be in recognised service, the superannuation allowance shall be suspended during the employment, and if they are less than that salary then only so much of the allowance shall be paid to him as with the salary and emoluments of the employment is equal to that salary.

For the purposes of this Section the expression "Government employment" means any employment the remuneration of which is paid out of the Consolidated Fund or out of moneys provided by Parliament.


I beg to move, in Subsection (4), to leave out the word "service" ["or in the service"], and to insert instead thereof the word "employment." This is merely a drafting alteration. The term "service" has a special definition in the Bill, which ought not to apply for the purposes of this Subsection.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.

CLAUSES 6 (No claim to superannuation allowances or gratuities as of right) and 7 (Payment and assignment of allowances) ordered to stand part of the Bill.