HC Deb 21 October 1918 vol 110 cc413-6

asked the Secretary of State for India if he will publish with the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of the Committees he has appointed to consider his scheme of Indian reform, giving the terms of reference for each and the members appointed to serve on them?


I am publishing with the OFFICIAL REPORT the names of the members of the two Committees which have been appointed to inquire into questions connected with the franchise and the division of functions between the Government of India and the local Governments, also the terms of reference to each Committee.

The following is the information referred to:—

In the Report of the Secretary of State and the Viceroy on Indian Constitutional Reforms, certain matters were left for settlement in detail in the light of the advice to be given by two Committees who were to inquire in India into questions connected with the franchise and the division of functions between the Government of India and the Local Governments; and between the official and popular elements in the Local Governments. The Secretary of State for India has appointed the two Committees, and they will begin their work in India shortly.

The Members of the Franchise Committee are:—

The terms of reference to the Committee are as follows:

I. As regards the Provisional Legislative Councils—

  1. (1) To advise on franchise and constituencies in each province, with the object of securing as broad a franchise and as representative a Council as present circumstances in each province permit (Report, paragraph 226).
  2. (2) To devise means of direct election as far as possible (paragraph 226).
  3. (3) To advise how far representation can be equitably and effectively secured by territorial electorates, or, where circumstances seem to require it in order to secure the adequate representation of minorities, of special interests, or of backward classes, by—
    1. (i) special or communal electorates, or
    2. (ii) reserving elective seats for special classes in plural constituencies, or
    3. (iii) nomination in such measure as the exigencies of fair and adequate representation entail (paragraph 232), or
    4. (iv.) other expedients, e.g., proportional representation, etc.
  4. (4) To advise as to the number of nominated official members.
  5. (5) As a result of (1) to (4), to propose a complete scheme for the size and composition of each Provincial Legislative Council.

II. As regards the Indian Legislative Assembly—

  1. (1) To consider the best means of constituting that body in accordance with the recommendations in paragraphs 273 to 275 of the Report without necessarily adhering to the exact numerical strength suggested, and, particularly—
  2. (2) to advise on the possibility of direct elections, and if such a system is found feasible, to propose franchises and constituencies; otherwise to propose a scheme of indirect election.

III. As regards the Council of State—

  1. (1) To advise as to the method of election to that body in accordance with the scheme set forth in paragraph 277, and in particular—
  2. (2) to consider (a) the material available for the six special constituencies and (b) the provisions necessary for securing that the special Mahomedan and landed members should, as far as possible, be representative of the whole of India.

IV. In examining the above question the Committee will have regard to the decision of the Government of India as to the areas which are to be the subject of special treatment (paragraph 199).

The Members of the Committee on the Division of Functions are:

The terms of reference to the Committee are as follows:

  1. 1. The Committee will be guided by the principles enunciated in paragraphs 212, 213, 238, 239, and 240, and will also take into consideration the illustrative lists contained in Appendix II. of the Report.
  2. 2. With a view to giving the provinces the largest measure of independence, legislative, administrative and financial, of the Government of India which is compatible with the due discharge by the latter of their own responsibilities, the Committee will advise as to—
    1. (i) the functions which should be discharged by Provincial Governments (paragraph 238);
    2. (ii) the powers of control which should be retained by the Government of India in relation to provincial subjects, in order to secure the dis- 416 charge of their own responsibilities, and the grounds on which and the manner in which these powers should be exercised (paragraphs 213 and 240).
  3. 3. The Committee will further advise as to:
    1. (i) which of the functions to be discharged by Provincial Governments can be transferred at the outset in each province to the charge of Ministers (paragraph 238);
    2. (ii) the powers which should be exercised by the Governor-in-Council in relation to transfered subjects, and the grounds on which and the manner in which these powers should be exercised (paragraph 240).

In that the work of the two Committees is interdependent, arrangements have been made to connect them. The whole inquiry will be conducted under the presidency of Lord Southborough and the two Committees will work under his direction. Lord Southborough will arrange for such joint sessions as seem expedient, and in order to enable him to devote time and attention to the co-ordination of the work of the Committees, it has been arranged that Sir F. Sly should act for him when necessary as Deputy-Chairman of the Franchise Committee

The Reports of the Committees will be forwarded to the Government of India, who will submit them with their own observations to the Secretary of State.