HC Deb 21 October 1918 vol 110 c400
8. Captain CARR-GOMM

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that shortly after the publication of the Household Fuel and Lighting Order, 1918, householders were urged by official statements to use candles, night-lights, and oil-lamps in corridors and landings so as to economise gas and electricity, whereas in a recent statement the use of such substitutes was denounced by the Coal Controller as being unpatriotic; and whether he can state what is the cause of these contradictory views being issued by the Coal Controller to householders?


The Controller of Coal Mines has no recollection of having made or issued contradictory statements with regard to the use of substitute fuel and lighting in replacement of coal, gas, and electricity. He has always emphasised the need for the utmost economy in all forms of fuel and lighting.