HC Deb 18 November 1918 vol 110 c3166
69. Mr. WILES

asked the Food Controller whether he has received resolutions passed by the National Caterers' Protection Society with reference to the inferior and unsatisfactory quality of the potatoes now being supplied to coffee-house, restaurant, and dining-room keepers in London; and, if so, will he at once take steps to remedy this state of things?


The answer to that first part of the question is in the affirmative. The shortage of agricultural labour, accentuated by the influenza epidemic, has resulted in potatoes reaching the markets which in the ordinary course would not have been dispatched. Moreover, a considerable amount of potato disease has been caused by the recent bad weather. Representations have already been made to the Food Production Department with a view to the provision of additional labour and the situation should improve when this labour becomes available.

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