§ 70. Mr. WATTasked the Food Controller whether he has received a letter from the Glasgow Retail Fleshers' Association, dated 7th instant, in which complaint is made that inferior cattle and sheep are dumped in that, market in great number, and stating that the Live-stock Commissioner for Scotland, when this complaint was made to him, threatened that if complaints were continued he would withdraw their buying permits; whether he has inquired into this statement, and with what result; and whether arrangements will be made whereby the people in that city will get cattle of equal quality to those sent elsewhere
§ Mr. PARKERThe answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. There is no ground for the suggestion that Glasgow is receiving an unfair proportion of inferior meat, although exact equality of allocation between different areas cannot invariably be guaranteed in face of present transport conditions. The Live-stock Commissioner merely declined to allow butchers to accept only such part of their allocation as consisted of first-quality meat. I can assure my hon. Friend that every effort will be made to increase the supply of best quality meat to Glasgow.