HC Deb 14 November 1918 vol 110 c2886
3. Major NEWMAN

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has any information as to the present state of affairs at Baku and in Transcaspia; who is in effective occupation of these territories; and has he information as to the two British expeditions which reached the Caspian some time ago but were compelled to withdraw previous to the Armistice recently concluded with Turkey?


The latest in-formation from Baku is that quiet prevails there, and normal business conditions have been resumed. The Turkish commander has issued orders for the withdrawal of all Turkish troops from the town, in accordance with the terms of the Armistice. In Transcaspia we control the railway east of Krasnovodsk, the Bolshevik forces having withdrawn east of Mery. The situation is favourable. There is nothing further to add to the statement which has already been made in the House that our troops who were sent to Baku were successfully withdrawn and rejoined our main forces.