HC Deb 12 November 1918 vol 110 cc2506-8
102. Mr. D. MILLAR

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether, in view of the necessity for providing housing accommodation in Scotland immediately after the War, any steps are being taken to secure and allocate the necessary materials and labour?


I have been asked by my right hon. Friend to answer this question. I hope to deal with the subject raised in the course of the statement which I am to make to the House later to-day.


Will the right hon. Gentleman give some indication of the estimates which have been made as to the requirements for Scotland?


I have said that I will deal fully with the point.

103. Mr. MILLAR

asked the number of building schemes which have been prepared up to the present time by the local authorities in Scotland and approved by the Scottish Local Government Board, and the number of houses which it is proposed to build under these schemes after the War?


I am informed that while no schemes in their final stage have yet been submitted for approval to the Local Government Board for Scotland, several local authorities have schemes now in course of preparation for the provision of about 9,000 houses. I am further informed that the local authorities in question regard these houses merely as a first instalment of the number they intend to provide, and that many other local authorities have the preparation of housing schemes actively under consideration. The Board, by means of correspondence, memoranda, and interviews, are urging local authorities to use all expedition in the preparation of schemes.

104 Mr. MILLAR

asked the Secretary for Scotland (1) what steps are being taken to secure building sites in Scotland for post-war housing schemes at a reasonable figure; and whether he is prepared to adopt the recommendations of the Scottish Royal Housing Commission as to the acquisition of land for building purposes, including the proposal that the valuations under the Finance (1909–10) Act, 1910, shall be adopted as the basis of value; and

(2) whether, in view of the necessity of acquiring building sites in connection with the post-war housing schemes in districts where minerals are being worked, he is prepared to accept the findings of the Royal Housing Commission as to the prohibition of restrictions in few charters relieving the superior from claims for damage caused by subsidence of the surface due to mineral workings; and whether he is prepared to introduce legislation on the subject.


The Local Government Board for Scotland, in circulars issued by them, have impressed upon local authorities the urgency of taking immediate steps to secure suitable sites. Various local authorities have represented to the Board that they are experiencing difficulties in securing sites at reasonable cost; and certain authorities have referred specially to the question of feu charters relieving from damage for subsidence. The question of compulsory acquisition and valuation of land for public purposes is at present being considered by a Committee appointed by the Minister of Reconstruction, and the other matter is receiving the attention of a Sub-Committee of the same Committee. When the Committee has reported, I hope to be in a position to reply to the question as to legislation raised by my hon. and learned Friend.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Royal Commission on Housing in Scotland reported that question of the acquisition of land was fundamental, and is he in a position to state that no delay whatever will continue in regard to the Report which is to be issued? Do I understand him to say that the Report will be issued immediately?


I agree that the question is fundamental, and it is in consideration of that that the Committee was appointed whose Report, I understand, is in course of preparation.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say when the Report will be issued? Will it be issued before Dissolution?


The Committee was appointed by the Minister of Reconstruction. I am sure there will be no delay.