HC Deb 05 November 1918 vol 110 c1907

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether quantities of biscuits, oats, blown milk, and other articles of food are being still regularly destroyed at military centres in this country and in France, on the ground that they have become unfit for human consumption; what was the amount so destroyed during the month of September; whether he is satisfied that in all these cases the waste was unavoidable, and why steps are not being taken to utilise these foodstuffs for other purposes?


A report has been received from France that no foodstuffs under the control of the Army Service Corps or which are condemned within units are destroyed when unfit for human consumption unless so ordered by medical authority or where putrefaction is such as to render it useless for fat factories, piggeries, etc. The same policy is followed at home, and the local military authorities report that they are satisfied that no articles of food have been unavoidably destroyed. If the hon. Member would furnish me with any information in his possession I shall be glad to have further inquiry made.