§ 18. Mr. SNOWDENasked the Minister of National Service what is the present status of the Canadian overseas mechanics who are under a written agreement with the British Armament Commission to serve upon munition work in this country so long as they are required on munition work; and whether their position is in any way affected by the latest Military Service Act?
§ Mr. BECKAll Canadians "ordinarily resident in His Majesty's Dominions abroad" come within the protection contained in the first Schedule of the Military Service (No. 2) Act, 1918. The men referred to in the question are thus not as a body affected by the above Act. It is possible, however, that a very small num
Name of Department. | Head of Department. | |
Demobilisation and Reconstruction | Assistant Secretary | Mr. H. H. Piggott, C.B.E. |
Parliamentary and General | Assistant Secretary | Mr. R. V. Vernon. |
Establishment | Assistant Secretary | Mr. J. W. Dulanty. |
American | Assistant Secretary | Mr. P. Hanson, C.B. |
Requirements and Statistics | Assistant Secretary | Mr. W. M. Page. |
Statistical and Progress | Controller | Major M. B. U. Dewar |
Priority… | Controller | Sir Edgar Jones, K.B.E., M.P. |
Munitions Finance and Accounting Officer | Controller | Mr. S. Dannreuther, C.B. |
Aircraft and Explosives Finance | Controller | Sir Philip Henriques, K.B.E. |
Munitions Finance | Director | Mr. O. T. Barrow, C.S.I., C.B.E; |
Munitions Accounts | Joint Controllers | Mr. Gr. F. Garnsey. |
Mr. J. H. Guy. | ||
Factory Audit | Controller | Mr. M. Webster Jenkinson. |
Munitions Contracts | Controller | Sir John Mann, K.B.E. |
Salvage and Stores | Controller | Mr. Alexander Walker. |
Munitions Design | Controller | Brig-Gen. A. C. Currie, C.M.G. |
Munitions Inspection | Controller | Mr. A. H. Collinson, C.B.E. |
Trench Warfare | Controller | Brig-Gen. Arthur M. Asquith. |
Munitions Inventions | Controller | Vice-Admiral Sir Reginald H. S |
Bacon, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., D.S.O | ||
Iron and Steel Production | Controller | Col. W. Charles Wright, C.B. |
Factory Construction | Director | Mr. W. B. Shaw. |
Forgings, Castings and Stampings | Controller | Mr. D. M. Anderson. |
Raw Materials (Non-Ferrous) | Controller | Sir L. W. Llewelyn, K.B.E. |
Railway Materials | Director | Mr. E. J. Aller, C.B.E. |
Optical Munitions, Glassware and Potash Productions | Controller | Mr. A. S. Esslemont, C.B.E. |
Overseas Transport | Director | Mr. Burton Chadwick. |
Forwarding | Director | Mr. W. T. Potts. |
Inland Transport | Director | Mr. Howard Williams, C.B.E. |
Mineral Resources Development | Controller | Sir Lionel Phillips, Bart. |
§ ber of these men were not domiciled in Canada before coming to this country, but, in view of the value of their work and the circumstances under which they were engaged, it is not proposed to make any distinction in their case.