HC Deb 11 March 1918 vol 104 cc27-8
20. Mr. W. THORNE

asked the Minister of Munitions if he is aware that there is a private arrangement between local employers not to give work to men or women who have been dismissed from a certain munition factory; and if he will take action in the matter?


The information given by my hon. Friend is insufficient to enable me to identify the employers he has in mind. I shall be glad if he will speak to me on the subject.

21. Mr. THORNE

asked the Minister of Munitions if, when it is the intention of the Ministry of Munitions or any other Government Department to make any substantial reduction in the output from any controlled establishment, at least four weeks' notice shall be given to the controlled establishments with a view of giving the employés an opportunity to find other employment; and if he will take action in the matter?


In every case of intention to reduce output, the longest possible notice is given by the Ministry of Munitions, usually in excess of the period of one month suggested by the hon. Member. In the large majority of cases firms are legally entitled to at least one month's notice. There may, however be emergency cases in which it is impossible; to give so long a notice.