HC Deb 26 June 1918 vol 107 cc1043-4
41. Mr. MOUNT

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food when the Report of the Astor Committee on the distribution and control of the sale of milk will be published; and whether he will see that no action is taken based on this Report until an opportunity has been given for its discussion?

43. Mr. WRIGHT

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether the Report of the Astor Committee on the Supply and Distribution of Milk has been published to persons not connected with the Ministry of Food or the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries; why this Report was not first presented to this House before publication elsewhere; and if any and, if so, what action has already been taken by the Ministry under this Report?

Mr. JAMES PARKER (Lord of the Treasury)

I have been asked to reply on behalf of my right hon. Friend. The Report in question was laid upon the Table of the House last Monday as soon as it was printed, and was subsequently communicated to the Press. The proposed scheme of control has not at present been worked out in detail. I may add that I propose to refer the financial questions involved to a small committee of men of financial experience.

44. Captain WRIGHT

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether since the 10th of June the price of milk has been raised 4d. a gallon and the price of cheese 1d. only; that the price of rennet has increased by over 400 per cent. in the last two years; and, if so, will he as soon as possible raise the price of cheese to a rate which will enable cheese makers to make cheese without suffering loss, and so give effect to the Ministry's policy of conservation of surplus supplies of milk?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The quantity of rennet used in the making of cheese is so small that the increase in price referred to has no appreciable effect on the cost of cheese production. The prices to be fixed for cheese made in July, August, and September, 1918, will be announced as soon as possible.