HC Deb 19 June 1918 vol 107 cc328-9
15. Sir J. D. REES

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether shipments of jute through England or directly from India are being consigned to the National Ropeworks, a German-owned factory in Italy; whether such consignments are reaching Germany as hemp viâSwitzerland; and whether jute has been declared contraband of war, so that vessels found by our patrol ships to be carrying this product are brought before our Prize Courts for adjudication?


I will ask the hon. Member to accept my regret for the delay which has occurred in replying to his question, and which is due to the fact that inquiries have had to be made in India. In reply to the first part of the question, I am informed that five consignments of jute were shipped to the Corderia Nazionale, of Genoa, which is an Italian company, under licence from India prior to April, 1917, the Italian Government having prohibited the export of jute from Italy. Since April, 1917, no further shipments have taken place. With regard to the second part of the question, proceedings were taken against the company by the Italian Government on the grounds that they had exported jute to enemy-countries under the designation of hemp, and contrary to the prohibition of export in force. The president and general manager were arrested upon a charge of trading with the enemy, but have since been released on the ground of insufficient evidence. The reply to the third part of the question is in the negative, but, as the hon. Member will be aware, jute is a natural monopoly of British India and His Majesty's Government have a complete control over its export and distribution.


Is it quite certain now that none of this jute is reaching Germany through Switzerland?


Yes; so far as we are aware, none is reaching Germany. I believe the Italian Government are taking every precaution.