HC Deb 17 June 1918 vol 107 cc30-1
45. Mr. KING

asked the Prime Minister whether a final arrangement has now been reached for the reconstitution or conclusion of the Russian Committee of the Commission Internationale de Ravitaillement; and whether the present position can now be described?


The Russian Government Committee has now been dissolved, and I have appointed a Committee under the Chairmanship of Sir Hugh Levick, consisting of representatives of the Treasury and the Commission Internationale, to supervise the liquidation of goods ordered in the United Kingdom on account of the former Russian Government and to examine into the financial position resulting from this liquidation. The work is being carried out with the assistance of a small staff selected in part from the employés of the former Russian Government Committee. These employés have been selected solely from the standpoint of their ability to assist in the work of liquidation.


May I ask whether any of the stores out of this country, especially the stores now in Russia, come under review and will form the subject of the discussions or work of this Committee?


This Committee is set up for the purpose of making the best use of stores bought by us for the Russian Government. It will deal with any stores which naturally come under our control.


With regard to the staff, may I take it that political opinions have not influenced their appointments, and that the appointments are made solely on the ground of ability and experience?


My original answer said so.